Precise and high speed laser marking of metal and plastic components
compact design high accuracy and speed Type: LM, LRM
easy programming Working range /mm/: 100x100, 500x500
low operating cost Laser wavelength /nm/: 355, 532, 1064, 1065
low maintenance Laser power /W/: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 100
added to product lines, operating technologies Marking speed: max. 500 pcs character/sec
Loading: manual, linear unit, rotating table, by robot, added to product line
Precise and high speed laser / sheet / cutting of metallic and non-metallic components ( metals, paper, wood, foil, plastic )
opportunity of individual design Type: LC
high accuracy and speed Working range /mm/: 500x500,1000x1000,1500x3000,2000x12000
technology database Laser wavelength /nm/: 1070, 10600
local maintenance and teleservice Laser power /W/: 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000
added to product lines, operating technologies Loading: manual, changing table, by robot, added to product line
technology development in case of special material
Laser cutting system for automated machining of metal parts
flexible beam path Type: LRC
robots are prepared for laser technology Workpiece dimensions max. /mm/: 1500 x 1500 x 1000
active contour following and accurate repeatibility Workpiece weight max./kg/: 50
converter for sw 3D modell Laser wavelength /nm/: 1070
technological database Laser power /W/: 1000, 2000, 4000
local maintenance and teleservice Loading: 2pcs robots
safety cabin, laser-robot safety modul Workpiece changing time /s/: 5
CNC axis X-Y-Z /mm/: 25-25-50
Repeatibility /mm/: +/-0,1
Seamless Laser welding of metal and plastic components which fulfill high quality requirements and ensure accurate and repeatable seam.
opportunity of individual design Type: LW, LRW
accurate adjusting & well-controlled Laser wavelength /nm/: 808, 980, 1064, 1070, 10600
local maintenance and teleservice Laser power /W/: 100, 200, 1000, 2000, 4000
added to product lines Loading: manual, rotating table, by robot, added product lines
technology improvement, technological database
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